Ladies Lunches (all at 11:30 unless otherwise noted)
Fri, Feb. 21 - Filomena's - 262 Boston Post Rd. Waterford
Mon, March 24 - Langley's - 28 Lamphere Rd. Waterford
Tue, April 22 - Little Pub - 1231 Boston Post Rd. Old Saybrook ***12 noon****
Wed, May 21 - Recovery Room - 445 Ocean Ave. New London
Summer Bible Study Starts June 8th - Aug 24th
Sundays 8:15 am to 9:10 am
We continue to accept items for Care and Share.
Needs of Homeless People include cold cereal, coffee, and canned meats.
Our donations go to the Reliance House in Norwich which services Niantic and East Lyme as well as other surrounding towns. Their website is https://reliancehealthinc.org
Sunday mornings, at the church in person, 9:15 a.m.
The Niantic Baptist Church seeks to give visible form to that faith and fellowship to which God has called his people, acknowledging ourselves to be a church in and through which Jesus Christ continues to minister to the world by his Holy Spirit. We welcome all to our services of worship and into our fellowship.
We welcome you to join our worship which is a blend of traditional and informal. Our Lord accepts us as we are and we attempt to do the same for one another and ourselves. Our congregation shares prayer concerns openly during worship. We believe that church is more than just a Sunday service - it's about being a part of a community that supports and encourages one another.
We are American Baptists
We participate in relationship covenants with The American Baptist Churches, USA (ABCUSA), The American Baptist Churches of Connecticut (ABCCONN) and the SUNL (Stonington Union New London) Association.
Join Us Every Sunday!
Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. (9:30 a.m. Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend) and all are warmly welcomed. Worship materials are available in advance every week, and you can also join us for worship via Zoom.
Please contact the church office at NianticBaptist@gmail.com or 860-739-5131 for our Zoom credentials.
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